About the Organisation
The Law and Technology Society of NLSIU, Bangalore is a group committed to exploring the boundless contours of the intriguing interface between law and technology. The main objective of the Society is to develop up-to-date learning opportunities in this field by organizing a series of fantastic events.
The Dialogue is a research-driven think-tank working on the intersection of technology, society, and public policy. By facilitating informed policy debates at various levels, it aims to drive a progressive narrative in India’s policy discourse.
About the Competition
With the rising importance of technology, it is common to see debates on privacy and encryption on all the popular forums.
To hear your views on these issues, the Law and Technology Society is excited to invite your contributions to the Essay Writing Competition 2020, which we are organizing in collaboration with The Dialogue.
The Essay Writing Competition 2020 seeks to encourage the participants to engage in out-of-box thinking and to explore new issues related to privacy and encryption.
For this, the organizers cordially invite your entries on the following themes:
- Situating encryption and allied rights within the Indian legal framework.
- Critical appraisal of the right to privacy in the context of intermediary liability
Rules for the Competition
- Maximum co-authorship of 2 Authors are allowed.
- Word Limit is 4000 to 6000 words (excluding footnotes).
- Citations have to be done according to Bluebook (19th edition).
- The last date of Registration is October 1, 2020.
- The last date of submission is October 22, 2020.
Further details will be sent on successful registration.
Eligibility Criteria
Students/research scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/Ph.D. course from any law school are eligible to participate in the competition.
Interested participants are required to click here to submit there their registration. The registration amount may be waived at the discretion of the organizers on need-cum-merit basis.
To request a registration fee waiver, the applicants must e-mail their updated CV along with a compelling application (400-800 words) explaining why their registration fee must be waived. Such e-mails must be sent only at info@thedialogue.co
Waiver requests will be cleared within 6 working days of their receipt. Once the applicant receives the email that either permits or denies the waiver, the applicant may apply to this registration form with the waiver details or by paying the requisite registration fee.
How to Submit?
Submission guidelines will be sent through an e-mail after a successful registration.
- Expert Comments: The winning entries will be selected and commented upon by the leading cognoscenti in the field of law and technology. These will include Supreme Court judges, Senior Advocates, and various academicians renowned all over the globe.
- Cash Prize of Rs. 1 Lakh: There will be a total of six such winning entries, which will comprise of three from each of the aforementioned themes. The first, second, and third entries from each of these themes will be rewarded with a cash prize of INR 25,000, INR 15,000, and INR 10,000 respectively.
- Publication: Such entries will get published in the leading law review journal of India.
- Certificate of Merit: Top ten essays from each theme will also be awarded a Certificate of Merit.
Contact Details
For any further information/ clarification, please reach out to:
The Law and Technology Society at lawtech@nls.ac.in
The Dialogue at info@thedialogue.co