1)INTRODUCTION -We Know that Labour law refers to those laws which is regulated Labour in India. In Indian Government, the state and federal level ensure a high degree of protection for workers but in practice this is a different due to form of government because of labour is the subject in the concurrent list of the Indian Constitution.
2)SITUATION IN INDIA- If we talk about the Situation of India in terms of labour so, Indian government has made so many labour laws for the protection of workers and if we see the scope of protection of labour laws for workers that is:-
Indian Labour laws make the difference between the people of organized sectors and people of unorganized sectors. The Laws list has made by the editors which various labour laws are applied. Ordinary Laws are also there and these laws are applied for those people who is not included in both these sectors.Indian Labour Laws have passed a big update in the Industrial Dispute Act of 1947. An additional 45 national laws enlarged with the 1948 Act and 200 state another laws control the relationships between the worker and the company. These laws authorize features of employer – employee interaction such as companies must keep 6 attendance logs, 10 different accounts for overtime wages and types of 5 files of annual returns. The scope of labour laws increase from regulating the height of toilets in ‘workers’ washrooms to how a work space must be lime washed generally. Inspectors can also analysis working space anytime and declares the fines for those people who is violate the labour laws and rules and regulations.
Now we discuss the wages of workers and what minimum wages are provided to the labour class workers by the government. So if we talk about the wage regulations so, the government has made so many laws of wages of the labour workers.
1)According to Payment of Wages Act 1936 :-
It requires that employees receive wages on time and without any illegal subtractions. According to Section-6 talks about the people are paid in money instead of kind. The Law also provides the taxes with holdings the employer must subtract and pay to the central or state government before disturbing the wages.
2)According to Minimum Wages Act 1948 :- It sets all wages for the different economic sectors and that the states it will cover. It leaves a large number of workers unregulated. According to types of work and location, Central and State Governments have own power to set wages. They range between as much as rupees 143 to 1120 per day of work in the called central sphere. State Government have their own schedules of wages.
3)According to Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 :- It applies to establishments with 10 or more workers. If any people resigns or retires of the job, So, His/her payable of Gratuity to the employee. The Indian government authorized that this payment be at the rate of 15 days salary of the employee for every completed year of service subject to a maximum of Rupees 20 lakhs.
4)According to Payment of Bonus Act 1965 :- This Act applies only to enterprises with 20 people and it requires bonuses are paid out of profits based on productivity. Recently The minimum bonus is 8.33 per cent of salary.
Establishment Acts authorize employment terms and conditions for example working hours, holidays, leave entitlements, procedure for termination of employment etc. Employers shall also be necessary to attach to applicable social security legislations. For example, According to the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952, every employer engaging 20 or more employees shall be necessary to make authorized contributions to the employees provident fund in respect of all it is employees earning less than Indian Rupee 15 thousand per month.
4)Job Security
Now we discuss the job security which is provided to the labour workers by the Government. Government has given some job security also so that no worker can exploit by any other employee and from this labour workers can also enjoy all the rights and wages.
Redundancy :- Redundancy pay must be given to all the workers and it sets 15 days average pay for each complete year of continuous service. Who has worked for four years an employee in addition to various notices and due to process, it must be paid a minimum of the employee’s wage equal to 60 days before cut back, if the government is allowed to employer a permission is discharged.
Apart from this The Government has also provided the facilities for those employees who is injured. This is also the part of Job Security.
According to Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 :- This Act applies for those workers who are injured in the course of employment. According to this Act, the compensation is paid for all the injured workers or benefits to dependents but the rates are low.
Likewise , So many Acts or Laws has made by the Government for the protection of workers. Job Security is also available for all the Labour workers so that no employee can exploit by any other employee.
The Wages are provided and available to the labour workers in India that is
Minimum Wages are 6 thousand per month. When we talk about Standard Work day So, it is 8 hours available in India. Now If workers want some take rest so, this rest hours also include that is one hour per 6-hour. If we count overtime limit of labour workers that is 200 hours per year. Premium pay for overtime is also given that is 100 percent. Everything is included about the labour workers.
We studied about the Indian Labour Law which is provided for all the Labourers in India. We also studied some Acts or Laws which is provided for all the Labour class workers and after that Job Security is also given in India. According to Constitution, The Labour Law given in the list of Concurrent. Wages are distributed of workers According to Hours and Overtime Limit is also given in the Indian Labour Law. The Government makes the difference between organized sectors and unorganized sectors and Ordinary Labour Laws has also made by the government for those who is not included in both these sectors. So, We studied everything about the Wages, Standard Work day, Overtime Limit etc.
Author: Yathaarth Raj Khurana